For U.S. agencies in the United States that may require funding assistance through eligible Federal, State and Local grants, please review the following resources:

PoliceGrantsHelp.comPolice1’s Grantfinder provides comprehensive information and support services pertaining to available Federal, State, Local and even corporate grant funding options.
Grants.govThe mission is to provide a common website for U.S. federal agencies to post discretionary funding opportunities and for grantees to find and apply to them.  
Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA)The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) of the U.S. Department of Justice offers funding through a variety of different programs, as well as helpful funding education resources.
Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS)As the leading community policing experts Through its office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS), the US. Dept of Justice offers funding and resource information to support community policing and public safety efforts.
Office of Justice Programs (OJP)The U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Funding Resource Center provides funding opportunities and grant process resource information.